Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Sustainability Issues

On Thursday afternoons a group of children have been going out to work on an environmental project using video or animation.  The point is to educate others about important environmental issues in a fun and interesting way. We have made three videos and one animation, they are almost ready to present! Watch this space.

Potting out and pricking out

This week some of the hub children prepared some new seedlings to put into our Trees for Survival unit. These will be ready to plant next winter under another kahikatea stand in our local area. We prepared: Mahoe, Karamu, Cabbage tree, Manuka, Harakeke. The Kowhai seedlings are not quite ready, Beccy Dove will drop them off to us when they are ready. Thanks Beccy!

Kahikatea Tree Planting

Last Thursday we went out to the Corlett's farm and planted 500 tree saplings, we also collected some of the self seeded saplings to put in our irrigation unit. We had all worked hard and did the planting efficiently.

Monday, 15 August 2016

Kahikatea Planting

On Thursday 18th August 2016 we will be planting underneath a stand of Kahikatea Trees on a local farm on Pukahu Road.  This will be the second stand that Netherton School will underplant, it follows on from an action inquiry children did around 'how can we bring native birds back to the Netherton area?'  The school contributes trees grown in our 'Trees for Survival Unit', and is supported by Waikato Regional Council.  Our long term goal is to underplant fenced existing stands on as many farms as we can into the future.  This a real and sustainable legacy the children of Netherton School can leave for future generations.  Photos to come!