Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Our program for 2013

Our Enviro Programme For 2013

·       Ensure operating sustainable practises are continued at Netherton School.

·       Continue developing our Native area, Hill, Butterfly garden and Musical garden.

·       Endeavour to have our raised vege gardens  producing all year round and all produce from the gardens to be used in good Nutritional programmes.

·       Pot Luck Tea “Foods of the World” (Celebrating our Cultural Diversity)

·       Enviro students and Lead teachers to meet early in the year with Kevin Campbell to discuss more development down at the “Cut”

a)    Fresh water

b)   Jetty

·       Meetings to be held regularly (assembly) to ensure all new students and staff understand the sustainable operating practises in our school.

·       Continue supporting other schools on their enviro journey.

·       Catching water from Junior Block  roof. This will be the beginning of a school irrigation system.  Environment Waikato kindly gave us a grant of $5000 towards this project.

·       Strengthen ties with Community and local experts from DOC to help us create an ecological corridor. Corridors are set up to allow birds, sinks and insects to move through the area without undue stress. If this is created it would bring the Native birdlife back in to Netherton school.

·       Enviro team, lead teachers,  BOT and interested community members to visit Hukanui school to learn about their “Living Room” especially as our hall gets closer to moving onto our school sight. Emphasis on Energy.

·       Later in the year invite Robyn Irving (Sustainability Facilitator) to our staff meeting to explore the awards reflective process with staff.

·       A suggestion for school wide study at some stage during 2013 is “Free the Sea” This is an inquiry based educational resource aimed to inspire students to use our Inquiry Tree to explore our oceans, the issues that impact them and take action to “Free the Sea”

·       Perma Culture design system for our school Vege garden using natural ecosystems

·       By the beginning of Term 4 we will be ready to go for Green/Gold

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