Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Respect for the Diversity of people and nature

Respect for the Diversity

Of People and Nature

·       A butterfly garden has been created with flowers that we know the monarch butterfly enjoys getting nectar from.

·       Swan plants have been planted in pots this year so that they can provide food for a longer season for the monarch caterpillar. The swan plants a rotated as they are required. Big caterpillars are taken from the out door plants each day and placed in to the shade house, so that when they go into a cocoon they can be kept safe and therefore the butterfly is very healthy when it comes out.

·       A weta home has been built and put back in the trees where we know weta live. Recent sightings suggest that the weta has returned.

·       We have rules regarding the back of our school to ensure the safety of our young plants.

·       At Netherton school we celebrate our cultural diversity. Each nationality in our school has painted a “pou” that tells us about their country. A clear file telling their story has been made and kept in the foyer for parents and visitors to our school to look at.

·       Children care for 2 beehives as the bee in N.Z. is under threat. Honey is used in the kitchen and our fruit trees will benefit from good pollination. Children want to explore more what they can do with the honey.

·       Foods of the World Day, held Term 2 2013

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